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overhaul and maintenance中文是什么意思

用"overhaul and maintenance"造句"overhaul and maintenance"怎么读"overhaul and maintenance" in a sentence


  • 翻修与维修保养


  • Arrange electric inspection plans in accordance with the overhaul and maintenance plans of plants
  • Innovation refers to the renewal of fixed assets and technological innovation of the original facilities by the enterprises and institutions as well as the corresponding supplementary projects and the related work ( excluding major overhaul and maintenance projects ) covering only projects each with a total investment of 50 , 000 yuan and over
    更新改造是指企业、事业单位对原有设施进行固定资产更新和技术改造,以及相应配套的工程和有关工作(不包括大修理和维护工程) 。
用"overhaul and maintenance"造句  
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